HYSTER H2.5TX Counterbalance Forklift

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HYSTER H2.5TX Counterbalance Forklift : $14,500 AUD ($15,950 Inc. GST)
Used Hyster LPG counterbalance forklift.
Unit has a maximum lift height of 6,000mm from its 3 stage mast.
Unit is equipped with integral side-shift and puncture proof tyres.
Unit was manufactured in 2007 and is in good condition, with 2,194 hours.
Unit ID: H3495V
About us
With over 45 years’ experience in the forklift industry Adaptalift has built a reputation on total commitment to customer service and is widely recognised as an industry leader.
Adaptalift is the largest Australian privately owned forklift company, with a national network of branches able to provide full turnkey materials handling solutions.
Our national network is able to supply both sales and rental of materials handling equipment no matter your task, from simple hand pallet jacks to standard forklifts and big trucks able to handle 40’ containers.
All customers have access to Adaptalift’s industry leading after-sales support including a national fleet of service vehicles able to service customer units on site, an extensive after-market spare parts program known as Rapid Parts alongside genuine Hyster parts.
Terms and conditions apply. Offer valid while stocks last. Offer subject to availability at time of order. Offer may not be available to all geographic locations nationally. We reserve the right to correct errors or omissions.